HOMEBREW: Go Tell Aunt Rhodamel (Rose Hip and Petal Mead)
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HOMEBREW: Go Tell Aunt Rhodamel (Rose Hip and Petal Mead)

I walk through the garden in the gathering fall, and find a last blooming Ferdinand Pichard rose and hips, a few tarrying half-ripened blackberries, pelted with pellets of icy snow on a grey November day. Beauty lingering, clinging to green, a wintery…

HIKE/HOMEBREW: Samhain strolls & Halloween homebrew
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HIKE/HOMEBREW: Samhain strolls & Halloween homebrew

Some snapshots from my weekend witch walks with the fellas in our local haunts… Foraging a fistful of yarrow, mugwort, bergamot, crabapples and hawthorn. I’m using these foraged treasures and brewing up some meads- the photos in this post are of a…