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BIKE: polar vortex excursions and personal progress


    So that last polar vortex- was -15, windchill -46. I was not mentally or physically ready to deal with that, and still reeling from everything else life had thrown at me. I confess, I gave the chickens extra food, water, and bedding the night before, filled the wood bin, and did not set foot outside all day (just cracked the door enough for the dog to run out, who came in as quickly as he could go). It was cold, inside, and outside. Brutally cold, and bitter.

    Saturday night I was really looking forward to a post-holiday party at the Manor, seeing some folks I love, meeting a new baby, and all manner of hilarity and hijinks… but worked late, serving for someone else’s party that dragged on and on… when I got home, after ten, I was spent, and had to be back in at nine am on Sunday. Ended up staying up too late anyway, but just down the street at the VK’s house with B and others… they asked, was something wrong? I was quiet and distant… disappointed in myself for not getting on my bike for the not-too-long ride west. I had a nice time anyway, of course, always do there, especially when there are guitars and whiskey and neighbors singing in harmony… which is often. But still… I wished I’d just gotten it together and stuck with the plan.

    Fast forward to round two Tuesday… true, this vortex redux was certainly milder- today was a brisk -2 at daybreak, with a high of 11… and I rode my bike well over 20 miles to a meeting, errands, and grocery shopping. It was slow going at times, I got lost, was late, and then found my way… but I felt like a champion in spite of it all. I splurged on a maple-bacon fancy-pants donut and a coffee refill for my empty mug- fuel to stoke the fire and carry me through towards home. I stopped at Ciclo Urbano for some chain lube and chatted with a friend who works there, went to the bank, bought dog food and groceries and other necessities. I was sweating, and smiling. The fresh fluffy snow sparkled… even the salt spray on my face and glasses couldn’t dim the bright glare and glowing megadose of vitamin D. Winter is for winners! At least today.

    I got two women set up with worms to start their own vermicompost bins, one for her home, and another for her classroom. I then moved two truckloads of books and canned goods from my ex’s apartment with the help of two great gals… I’m so close to having all my stuff under one roof. It’s shaping up into a comfortable home as I unpack all of my favourite things… I have dinner dates lined up with a few old friends, and one new one. It’s going to be a great year. I can’t wait to see where it takes me… don’t you see that road up there? It’s not always easy (and luckily, this was a side street- main ones were slushy but smooth sailing)… but seriously, do you see that bright light up ahead? Oh hey, sunshine… where’ve you been? There the whole time? You don’t say.

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