CAMP: Hiawatha National Forest – Free Primitive Dispersed Camping on Public Land
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CAMP: Hiawatha National Forest – Free Primitive Dispersed Camping on Public Land

We made a quick road trip up to the Upper Peninsula of Michigan last weekend which was long overdue for some free public land camping. This time, instead of backpacking, we did some boondock car camping and hiking in the national forest…

COOK: Yooper (ish) Pasties with Venison and Roasted Root Vegetables and Spent Grain Butter Crust
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COOK: Yooper (ish) Pasties with Venison and Roasted Root Vegetables and Spent Grain Butter Crust

I’m working on my (hopeful) future UP resident entrance exam submission by cooking up some pasties, both plain and fancy, and trying to perfect my venison pasty recipe… I assume this will be on the test? Either way, these savory pockets of…

HIKE/HOMEBREW: Samhain strolls & Halloween homebrew
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HIKE/HOMEBREW: Samhain strolls & Halloween homebrew

Some snapshots from my weekend witch walks with the fellas in our local haunts… Foraging a fistful of yarrow, mugwort, bergamot, crabapples and hawthorn. I’m using these foraged treasures and brewing up some meads- the photos in this post are of a…